True North mega raft up

True North mega raft up


True North I and True North II come together on this incredible Kimberley itinerary

For the first time TRUE NORTH and TRUE NORTH II have departed port at the same time.

Both adventure yachts departed Wyndham on May 6, ahead of conducting 13-night Kimberley Ultimate itineraries.

The plan was to operate each itinerary mostly a day apart, which would ensure that the wilderness experience was not impacted. However, there was one magical evening when both yachts came together adjacent to the majesty of the King George Falls and all aboard took the opportunity to celebrate this unique occasion in True North style.

Crew secured the vessels stern-to, enabling guests on both boats to enjoy a cocktail party like no other! And, in addition to revelling in the hospitality of not one but two True North crews, guests were also treated to a unique musical experience when acclaimed Kimberley artists Steve Pigram and Shannon Birchall performed on the heli-deck of the TRUE NORTH. With the twin falls as a backdrop, this was a once-in-a-lifetime performance on so many levels!

True North and True North II meet up for the ‘Mega Raft Up’ in the King George River

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